The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Dates Read: 29 March 2022 to 29 March 2022

Rating: 5 stars

This was the first book I read with my first book club!

Wow. This book was an absolute 5 star. When I thought I'd be able to predict every plot twist, I was wrong. Even until the final chapter I had no idea. I haven't read a lot of murder mysteries (this might actually be my first) and I thoroughly enjoyed it! But let's chat about it.

Spoiler's ahead! Continue reading at your own risk*

The Plot

The plot is what gave this book a 5/5 stars for me. There were SO many twists and turns. I really enjoyed the switches between the different characters' POVs as well. I was starting to wonder halfway through the book why we never got Will or Charlie's POV. The plot was enticing enough where we kept getting updates about the wedding night, but also learning more about what had happened the preceding days to it. One of my favorite parts of the plot was we didn't know WHO died. I feel like if I knew from the start I'd have a bit of an easier time guessing, but since I was trying to figure it was I not only had to figure out 1) who died, 2) who did it, and 3) why. SO WILD.

But I want to talk about each plot twist: Hannah we love. Her attraction to Will... whatever. Celebrity crush. Charlie... backstabber and cheater. We do not condone that behavior. Jules... uh, mistresses are not cool. Johnno.. I'm not sure what his twist was. OH! The whole Survival game? That was so messed up oh my gosh. At least he felt bad about it.. but idk. Still really really bad. Olivia. Poor baby. I felt for her the most. It was SO wild that her previous lover/baby daddy was Will. And getting to Will. What a terrible human. Exposing someone's sex tape, not owning up to being a father, screwing over your best friend for a film, and lying to your fiancee... Will was bad, but then he just kept getting worse.

The Characters

I loved Hannah and Olivia. They were definitely my top two favorite characters. Will is obviously at the bottom and then there's a tie between Johnno, Jules, and Charlie. Actually... maybe Jules and Charlie are below Johnno. We do not stan cheaters... Like oh my gosh. Charlie you have kids. What the heck. And obviously Jules didn't know everything about Olivia, but her behavior towards her was so unwarranted. I feel like she should have tried harder. Johnno I honestly just felt bad for. He needs to go to therapy. I feel like that'll help him. The groomsmen... gross. They gave me gross vibes. Olivia/Jules's mom.. don't really have an opinion of her. Jules dad didn't get a lot of screen time, but he didn't seem pleasant. I just really liked Hannah and Olivia.

The Book Cover/Art

Really simple and pretty. Big fan!

My Critiques

None. Absolutely none. There's nothing I'd recommend that should have been done differently.

Overall, if you love murder mysteries, you NEED to read this book. But also if you're a lover of books you need to read this book. I normally gravitate towards romance, but this book had me hooked and I couldn't put it down!

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