The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

Read Dates: 25 August 2021 to 27 August 2021

Rating: 2 stars

This book was a 5 star book until the last....50 pages. There will be no spoilers in here, but if you've read it you'll know what I'm referencing. There was no need for that one drastic plot point. Absolutely no reason. We could've had the same end result without it happening. It kind of ruined the mood for me and felt almost...selfish. I really enjoyed the majority of the book and I liked the dual POV a lot. The characters were really cute. Additionally, I know with any issue of fertility/pregnancy, etc. a classic conflict to come up is someone wants kids and the other can't. I guess going into this book I should've expected this to happen, but I'm not a huge fan of the evidence that someone's worth is associated with being able to have kids. Or even if that's a huge part of life. I didn't think this book pushed that ideology, but there were definitely times where I got frustrated reading about how much one character got down on themselves about this. I don't think I'd buy this book and I did enjoy 80% of it. Just the last couple chapters....completely out of left field. And not in a good way.

EDITED: After reading other reviews, there was a lot I forgot about (ironically already despite finishing this recently) that really rubbed me the wrong way. I despised the objectification of Josh. It's okay to find someone attractive, it was uncomfortable to read about Kristen's thoughts towards him. And don't say she's "blunt." It was too much. Additionally, the whole "she's not like other girls" trope drives me nuts. Let's stop stereotyping girls into different categories. It's so frustrating to read and we can focus on appealing personality traits about people WITHOUT bringing other people down. And lastly....Don't read the next paragraph if you haven't read the book.

*Spoiler alert*

There was absolutely no reason for Brandon to die. No reason. That's what I was referencing in the first paragraph. Someone shouldn't have to die in order for the MC to figure themselves out. And the other spoiler that drives me nuts was Kristen getting pregnant. Like hooray! She finally was able to have kids and meet what Josh wanted! No. It took me hours to just read the epilogue because I was so annoyed. They could have compromised and adopted, fostered, gone the surrogate route, etc. or just not have kids cause the entire book was Kristen loving herself and not equating her worth with being able to have children. Also Sloan deserved better. And Brandon. And even Josh. This book was very over hyped in my opinion.

Bookshelves: Overrated, Yikes

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